Living with other people is not always easy. They can get under your skin in ways that nobody else can. Something about sharing a kitchen, let alone a bathroom, will make you witness all the little things that you can't stand about someone. This is why it's often hard to live with family. It's nice to have them near, and it can be a wonderful thing a lot of the time, but close proximity can make even the strongest families start to crumble.
What makes this even worse is arguments about money. Whenever money gets involved, it raises the stakes of whatever conflict is going on under the surface. And when you're splitting rent and utilities, the question of money usually comes up. Even if you do a perfectly even split, questions start to arise if one of you falls on hard times financially or if one of you makes a whole lot more than the other.
What makes this even worse is arguments about money. Whenever money gets involved, it raises the stakes of whatever conflict is going on under the surface. And when you're splitting rent and utilities, the question of money usually comes up. Even if you do a perfectly even split, questions start to arise if one of you falls on hard times financially or if one of you makes a whole lot more than the other.