A college degree is considered somewhat of a luxury. Having stated that how far would you go to guarantee that your education is of the highest caliber? The individuals you love the most, will you let them go?
An update to a long-since-posted piece can be found below. The original poster (OP) goes into great detail on how her parents broke her trust and deliberately destroyed her future. In order to cover expenses for her older brother's wedding, OP's parents had completely depleted her college funds. In total, they took more than $60,000, leaving OP distraught and unsure of what to do. Thankfully, OP was able to secure legal representation, and their advice was that she sue her parents in order to retrieve the money that is legally hers. OP had previously said that despite her family's opposition, she followed through and was prepared to give this conflict everything she had. And now, over a year later, she's back with an update.
So, if you're curious about the specifics of what transpired over a year, including the outcome of OP's legal battle with her parents and the impact it had on her family, be sure to read the tale below! After you're through, don't forget to flick through these 29 amusing college memes, which will help students prepare for the fall semester!
An update to a long-since-posted piece can be found below. The original poster (OP) goes into great detail on how her parents broke her trust and deliberately destroyed her future. In order to cover expenses for her older brother's wedding, OP's parents had completely depleted her college funds. In total, they took more than $60,000, leaving OP distraught and unsure of what to do. Thankfully, OP was able to secure legal representation, and their advice was that she sue her parents in order to retrieve the money that is legally hers. OP had previously said that despite her family's opposition, she followed through and was prepared to give this conflict everything she had. And now, over a year later, she's back with an update.
So, if you're curious about the specifics of what transpired over a year, including the outcome of OP's legal battle with her parents and the impact it had on her family, be sure to read the tale below! After you're through, don't forget to flick through these 29 amusing college memes, which will help students prepare for the fall semester!